Congratulations to all students and educators at Northside Christian College for being listed in the top 10 north Brisbane’s best performing schools between 2017 and 2021 by Courier Mail in the November 29 article “Top performing Brisbane North NAPLAN schools revealed in last 5 years” (based on the Year 9 results).
The article states, “The analysis of NAPLAN results revealed the schools which consistently performed the best in the Year 5 and Year 9 tests between 2017 and 2021”.
The results are collected from website with Northside average result of 3065.5 over five years.
While we celebrate all the academic achievements of our students, we also acknowledge that NAPLAN is only one measurement of student success. As a school, we strive to celebrate student achievements not only in academics but in sport, arts and all the other areas that God has gifted them individually.