Innovation Day 2019
Year 3-6 students learned about science, robotics, rockets, virtual reality and more at our 2019...
Junior School Swimming Carnival 2018
The Junior School Swimming Carnival saw some impressive swimming talent and a Wesley win!
Student safety before and after...
A brief reminder on before and after school safety for Junior School students.
Jump Rope for Heart
The Junior School took part in Jump Off Day, for the Heart Foundation's Jump Rope...
Visit from local author
Alison Stegert (past Northside employee, and now author) came to visit during Book Week!
Metropolitan North Track and Field...
The Junior School had a successful Met North result from their track and field team.
CSSA-Q Track and Field
Congratulations to the impressive results from Northside students at the CSSA-Q Track and Field Carnival.
North District Track and Field
Well done to all involved in the North District Track and Field Carnival.