
Our Heraldic Crest: a symbol of our past tradition and history, and a guiding vision of our strategic direction.

As we begin the next phase of our strategic direction under the banner of ‘Building Living Cathedrals’, we have developed an image - a stained glass window for our Cathedral - capturing guiding values, some of which have been adopted from the Founders’ Bell.

The inaugural ‘Heraldic Crest’ brings together elements to guide us in the coming years.

• The College Motto - ‘Character through Christ’
• The Jerusalem Cross - we serve a risen Saviour
• Shield of Faith  - we put on the Armour of God
• The Triquetra – represents both the Trinity (Father, Son & Holy Spirit) and the partnership between School, Church and Home
• The Lion of St Mark – we give the Word of God authority in our lives
• The Knight’s helmet - a Knight of Faith ‘is the man or woman who lives in Faith’
• Stars  - “Shine like stars in the Universe as you hold out the word of truth” (Philippians 2:15)