Educated and equipped for any future is not just a tagline when it comes to our Careers Programs at Northside.
In line with National Careers Week, our Year 10 students heard presentations from three of our Alumni about their career journey in the world beyond school, as part of their Careers Education program. This address included insights into career decision making and the qualities and skills employers are seeking.
Girls in Year 7-12 were also offered the opportunity to hear from past school captain Hayley Robinson (Schubert, 2011) who spoke about her career journey as a Civil Engineering graduate. Her work on a transport team that specialises in airports was fascinating for the girls, and her encouragement to consider engineering as a career option was inspiring.
Year 10 also ventured on an all-day Careers Excursions, taking in QUT Gardens Point, Griffith University sites at Southbank, TAFE Qld’s Southbank Campus, and the Brisbane Careers and Employment Expo. This allowed them to consider a range of opportunities post-graduation.
Our Year 11 and 12 students participated in our on-campus Post College Expo, attended by 18 study and training providers. They were able to gain targeted information from providers they were most interested in and be inspired about courses and programs that may be the best fit for them. Among others they could find out more about: Medicine at UQ, Game Design at JMC, Nursing at ACU, Graphic Design at Torrens, Apprenticeships with Sarina Russo, studying and working in the Defence Force, studying, working and living on Hayman Island with The Hotel Management School.
Three of our alumni even came back to share their experiences and represent their institution and chosen study pathway.
These activities, undertaken in National Careers Week are only one a part of the tailored Careers Program at NCC which can also include individual career development appointments with our Careers Officer and Vocational Education Co-ordinator. A range of opportunities offered by study or training institutions are always advertised to students as these are a wonderful way of testing skills and interests as students gain more awareness of their own career hopes and plans.

We truly hope these latest opportunities have further equipped our Senior students on their journey of career discovery.
*Thank you to all the universities and colleges that presented, alumni who came back and to Mrs Robyn Harvey for organising the event. We pray that our students will be able to choose the right option for their next step in their educational journey.