Tell us a little bit about yourself and your connection(s) to Northside as a student and as an alumna.

Having graduated in 2011 it’s coming up to my 10 year reunion! Time flies. Since graduating, I joined the Hong Kong and China mission trips in 2012 and 2014 as a leader which was wonderful way to stay in touch and keep involved.
I’m still in touch with many people from my graduating class with 5 out of 7 people on my netball team having attended Northside! My Mum (Mrs Schubert, Senior School Receptionist) also keeps me in the loop of what’s been going on at the college.
What have you been working on since graduation?
Since graduating I studied dual degrees of business majoring in management and engineering majoring in Civil at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). Since Uni I have been working for GHD as a civil engineer on airside airport infrastructure. I’ve enjoyed travelling (as much as I could!) to Japan, Hong Kong, China, Canada, the United States and Europe. I’ve also gotten married (hence the name change!) and have recently adopted a beautiful greyhound named Frank.
Who is your greatest role model or inspiration and why?
I’ve never particularly had a specific role model who I’ve looked up to. I think everyone has something inspiring about them that you can learn from whether they’re famous for something, a pioneer in their field, the best at what they do or your friends and family. There is a lesson to be learned from everyone and the people we surround ourselves with are often the ones who shape and influence us the most. We’re all different and should be empowered to tread our own path in our own way.
What advice can you give to Northside students who are interested in pursuing engineering?
Give it a go! It’s not as scary as you might think it is. Engineering can mean many different things and has a diverse range of career paths. Engineers are so important to design the infrastructure the world needs to keep working which is special to be a part of. Attend the university open days and ask both the faculty and student clubs questions to get a better understanding of what engineering could do for you.