
Junior School Leadership Induction 2023 

It was great to have the Junior School attend their Induction Assembly recently. We reflected on the Word of God and new beginnings for the New Year. We pray for our new Junior School Captains and House Captains for God to lead them as they serve others in our community. Thank you to our students, staff and parents for supporting them. They have also been featured in the local newspaper, Quest. Interview questions below: 


What is the most exciting thing about being a school captain?

The most exciting thing about being a Junior School Captain is that I get to know more people and contribute to the development of the students and our school.

What one thing do you want to achieve for your school this year?

I would like to continue to help our students in all aspects of school life and fulfill my responsibilities as a Junior School Captain by following the school motto, Character through Christ.


What is the most exciting thing about being school captain?

The opportunity to improve my leadership and public speaking skills.

What one thing do you want to achieve for your school?

Encourage participation in the academic, sport and cultural activities of the school to develop the unique gifts and talents of students.


What is the most exciting thing about being a school captain?

It’s great to have the opportunity to help our school and take on more responsibilities.

What one thing do you want to achieve for your school this year?

To build strong relationships within our Northside school community.


What is the most exciting thing about being a school captain?

To have the honour of serving and representing Northside as well as the opportunity to learn new skills that come with this role.

What one thing do you want to achieve for your school this year?

To help the teachers of the Junior School encourage all the students to realise their potential and have a heart for the community.