A dedicated Careers Officer assists secondary students as they explore their future options. The Student Services team provide students with information and experiences to guide them toward the most suitable study pathway.
Some students choose the OP pathway, which provides the academic rigour and requirements for entry into tertiary study in Australia. (N.B., Graduates after 2019 will receive an ATAR - Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank) Some students follow the vocational education pathway, which begins the process of training young people in a trade.
The Career Officer’s diagnostic tools and resources educate students about career choices, and facilitates the creation of individual SET (Senior Education & Training) plans to ensure that students’ subject selections will adequately prepare them for entry into university courses or other pathways.
Vocational Education
- TAFE QLD https://tafeqld.edu.au/
- TAFE at School https://tafeqld.edu.au/courses...
- Department of Education, Skills and Employment: Job Trainer https://www.dese.gov.au/skills...
- Apprenticeships https://www.australianapprenti...
- Traineeship (More information TBA)
- Funded Programs https://desbt.qld.gov.au/train...
- Skills One TV https://www.skillsone.com.au/
- VETS Complaints and Appeals Page (from original NCC Website content).
- Australian Apprenticeships Pathways https://www.aapathways.com.au/
- MAS Apprenticeships Australia https://masexperience.com.au/a...
- Sarina Russo Apprenticeships https://www.sarinarusso.com//
- Busy at Work https://www.busyatwork.com.au/...
Career Events & Experiences
- UQ Young ChangeMakers https://young-changemakers.uq....
- Northside Christian College Career Events (TBA)
- Outside Opportunities (TBA)
QCAA Related Links
- myQCE (Access to QCAA Learning Accounts) https://myqce.qcaa.qld.edu.au/
- QCAA Home https://www.qcaa.qld.edu.au/
- Mythbusters page (from original NCC Website content)
- QCE Information https://www.qcaa.qld.edu.au/se...
- QCAA Recognised Studies https://www.qcaa.qld.edu.au/se...
QTAC Related Links
- QTAC Home https://www.qtac.edu.au/
- QTAC Publications https://www.qtac.edu.au/public...
- QTAC Course Search https://www.qtac.edu.au/course...
- QTAC QHUB https://www.qtac.edu.au/qld-ye...
Career Investigations
- Job Outlook https://joboutlook.gov.au/
- My Future https://myfuture.edu.au/
- My Future: Careers Bullseyes https://myfuture.edu.au/bullse...
- Technology Jobs: Careers Foundation https://www.careersfoundation....
- My Skills: National Careers Institute https://www.myskills.gov.au/
- Department of Education, Skills and Employment https://www.dese.gov.au/
- School Leavers Information Kit: National Careers Institute https://yourcareer.gov.au/scho...
- Australian Careers Service https://www.australiancareerss...
- Jobs QLD https://jobsqueensland.qld.gov...
- Rural Skills Australia http://www.ruralcareers.net.au...
- ASIO Careers. https://www.asio.gov.au/career...
Job Ready
- Applying for a Tax File Number https://www.ato.gov.au/individ...
- Resumes https://resume.io/resume-templ... ; https://www.myperfectresume.co...
- Cover Letters https://www.youthcentral.vic.g...; https://novoresume.com/career-...
- Job Access-Disability Employment https://www.jobaccess.gov.au/h...
- Sarina Russo Job Support https://www.sarinarusso.com/
- Your Career: Get Job Ready https://www.yourcareer.gov.au/...
- Transition to Work: Job Active https://jobsearch.gov.au/trans...
Jobs (Opportunities)
- SEEK https://www.seek.com.au/
- QTAC Career Finder https://qtac-careerfinder.pros...
- Northside Christian College job opportunities https://www.northside.qld.edu....
- Jobs Hub DESE https://www.dese.gov.au/jobs-h...
- Indeed https://au.indeed.com/jobs-in-...
- Career One https://www.careerone.com.au/j...
- Smart Jobs https://smartjobs.qld.gov.au/j...
Post School Options
- Defence Jobs https://www.defencejobs.gov.au...
- Defence Information Sessions Brisbane https://www.defencejobs.gov.au...
- Study QLD https://www.studyqueensland.ql...
- Good Universities Guide https://www.gooduniversitiesgu...
- QTAC 2022 Year 12 and Year 10 Pre-requisite Guides (please scroll down the page to find these) https://www.qtac.edu.au/public...
- University and TAFE Open Days https://www.qtac.edu.au/open-d...
- Early Entry Schemes (University):
QUT https://www.qut.edu.au/study/a...;
Griffith University https://www.griffith.edu.au/ap...;
Australian Catholic University https://www.acu.edu.au/study-a...;
University of the Sunshine Coast https://www.usc.edu.au/study/h.... - Scholarships:
TAFE Qld https://scholarships.tafeqld.e...;
UQ https://scholarships.uq.edu.au...;
QUT https://www.qut.edu.au/study/f...:
Griffith University https://www.griffith.edu.au/sc...;
Australian Catholic University https://www.acu.edu.au/study-a... ;
Australia-wide https://www.gooduniversitiesgu... - University courses Australia- wide https://www.courseseeker.edu.a...
- UCAT (Aptitude test for Medicine and Dentistry) https://www.ucat.edu.au/
- UAC (NSW University Admissions) https://www.uac.edu.au/
- First in Family (for support of first in family to study at university) http://www.firstinfamily.com.a...
- Crimson Education (Support to study overseas) https://www.crimsoneducation.o...
- Young Achievers Program UQ https://young-achievers.uq.edu...
- Financial Support to study (HECS/HELP) https://www.studyassist.gov.au; https://www.studyassist.gov.au...
SET Planning
What is the purpose of a SET Plan?
In 2006 the Queensland Government introduced laws that require young people to be "learning or earning". All young people are required to complete Year 10 at school and go on to undertake a further two years of education and/or training, or until they achieve a Senior Certificate or Certificate III vocational qualification, or turn 17, whichever comes first. Young people will be exempt from these requirements if they gain full-time employment. The aim is to encourage as many young people as possible to complete 12 years of schooling or equivalent.
After completing Year 10, students will be able to choose from a broader range of learning options leading to a Senior Certificate (now called a Queensland Certificate of Education or QCE) or a Certificate Ill vocational qualification. The Senior Education and Training Plan, more commonly referred to as a SET Plan, is designed to map your student's individual learning pathway through the Senior Phase of Learning.
Students should use the SET Plan process to identify and build on strengths and to work towards the Queensland Certificate of Education, Certificate lIl level vocational qualification, and/or a viable work option. The self-reflection and career exploration involved in creating such a plan will also assist students to make well informed choices about higher education courses should their career aspirations necessitate completion of a university degree.
On completion, the SET Plan needs to be signed and dated by the student and yourself as parent/guardian. Students will receive a hard copy of their SET plan to take home. Please sign and return earlv Term 3
What is a SET Plan?
The SET Plan maps out how your child will work towards their Senior Certificate, through,relevant senior qualifications leading to viable work and study options. You will play a crifical role in helping them to discover and plan their personal journey through education and training, then onto further learning or work options.
The SET Plan is designed to:
• Work as a road map to help your child to achieve their learning goals during the Senior Phase of Learning
• Include flexible and coordinated best fit options for your child
• Assist them to examine options across education, training and employment sectors
• Help them to communicate with you and with personnel from the school/learning provider about their future options.
In the plan, your child will be able to identify suitable learning possibilities, some of which may be accessed outside the current formal structure of a school. This will allow them to create more options and flexibility in learning. The plan can be altered if your child, with guidance, decides to change direction and explore different learning pathways. Your child should be responsible for the safekeeping of their copy of the SET Plan. We will also keep a copy.
A SET Plan is more than a piece of paper. It is the end product of a good career education process, and involves four stages:
Stage 1: Thinking about the Future
Stage 2: Exploring Options
Stage 3: Documenting the Plan
Stage 4: Implementing the Plan
Your child will need your support to work through these stages. Support will be provided at school, but you will play a critical role in helping them to consider and make decisions about their post secondary goals.
Accessing Further Information
You can access your student's SET Plan by reviewing the paper copy your son/daughter has printed off. In addition, the resources used to assist them to assess and explore suitable career options are available through the Career Voyage website.
Further links to online resources that may assist can be accessed in the 'Helpful Resources & Links' page.
Please contact us you require further information or assistance.
Mrs Linda George
Head of Teaching & Learning
Mrs Robyn Harvey
Careers Officer
Mr Scott Murchie
Vocational Education Coordinator
- SET Plan information, QLD Government https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/att...
- SET Plan information, QCAA https://studentconnect.qcaa.ql...
- Understanding SET Planning https://www.sparktheirfuture.q...
Distance Education and University Subjects while at School
- Brisbane School of Distance Education (BSDE) https://brisbanesde.eq.edu.au/
- Cairns School of Distance Education (CSDE) https://cairnssde.eq.edu.au/
- Riverside Christian College (RCC) https://www.distanceeducation....
- University of Queensland Enhanced Studies https://esp.uq.edu.au/
- Start QUT https://www.qut.edu.au/study/o...
- USC Headstart https://www.usc.edu.au/study/c...
Gap Year / Exchange
- Defence GAP Year https://army.defencejobs.gov.a...=
- Letz Live (Overseas working holiday experience) www.letzlive.org
- Projects Abroad https://www.projects-abroad.co...
- Latitude Australia https://www.volunteerforever.c...
- World Education Program (WEP) https://wep.org.au/
- The Gap Network https://www.thegapnetwork.org/
- Ashfold School UK, GAP Year Teaching Experience https://www.ashfoldschool.co.u...