Foundation in Faith and Education
Northside Christian College Junior School (Prep - Year 6) is distinguished by its Christ-centred approach, which focuses on knowing God and loving people.
From Prep to Year 6, each student is catered for as an individual, recognising their differing strengths and ability to perform and achieve across subject areas and school activities.

Northside Christian College Prep
Your child will start their faith journey in the guidance of our caring Christian staff. We encourage children to explore and grow in their relationship with Jesus through:
- Daily classroom devotionals & prayer
- Faith-in-action opportunities
- Bible story reading
- Weekly Chapels that alternate with Assembly.
Australian Curriculum from a Christian Worldview
Our program is based on the Australian National Curriculum and provides a Christian worldview. The program is formed around topics that provide a focus for learning experiences and skill development.
Creative and Critical Thinking Skills - Learn to question, design, create organise, observe, predict and learn.
Language and Communication Skills - Develop appropriate language learning and communication skills.
Social, Emotional and Interpersonal Skills - Develop age-appropriate social, emotional and personal learning skills.
Each term we study a major topic that is linked to specific learning areas and Biblical view.
Specialist Lessons
Music - Music at an early age helps children develop their cognitive, literacy, numeracy and even social skills.
Library - Prep students have an opportunity to start developing literacy and research skills when visiting the library.
P.E. - Physical education has a considerable impact on children's development beyond the physical fitness.
Special Programs
CARE Program
All our students learn about courtesy, attitude, resilience and excellence through our Bible-based CARE program. Your child will receive Bible-based foundations and consistent values and morals.
CHUMS Program
Year Five students partner with our “littlies” as big brothers and sisters to help them negotiate their early school experiences through our CHUMS programs.
Perceptual Motor Program (PMP)
Available in Prep and Year 1, the program offers students experiences in seeing, hearing, touching, processing and making perceptual judgments.
The program focuses on four main motor outcomes; Balance, Locomotion, Eye/Hand/Foot Coordination and Fitness. Through participation in the program students are given opportunities to problem solve, develop fundamental sports skills, improve memory and develop awareness of the world they live in.
Students participate in activities involving jumping, skipping, balancing, crawling, climbing, throwing, catching or bowling. These skills are essential for students to function effectively in the world around them.
Northside Christian College Prep students learn the foundations in coding by using Bee-Bots. Small, bee-shaped robots teach students the fundamentals of computational thinking. Students problem solve in a fun environment by programming up to 40 commands consisting of forward, backwards, left and right movements to maneuver around the floor.
Reading Eggs
Students receive access to ABC Reading Eggs to supplement their classroom learning with one-on-one learning in home environment. Parents can tract their child's progress that suits their ability by building core literacy skills.
Purpose-built Facilities
Northside Christian College Prep is a purpose-built building with indoor/outdoor learning spaces and modern facilities. Our students have bright, air-conditioned and modern learning spaces for optimal learning. Our Prep Centre offers the following features:
- Classrooms that can be extended into the veranda
- Sensory play on the verandah to extend learning beyond classroom
- Touch screen computers for individual and group work
- Interactive whiteboards for teaching and group work
- Kitchen as an extension of the classroom, where children can observe and learn basic cooking principles
Class Sizes
In Prep, we have small class sizes and a Teacher's Aide in every classroom to help your child get the most out of this critical foundation year for schooling.
Prep School Age in Qld
Prep eligibility for children is from the beginning of the school year in which they will reach the age of 5 years by 30 June. Please see our Enrolments page for further information.