Instrumental music, choirs, bands, orchestras, ensembles, and dance all form part of the ‘Arts Program’ at Northside Christian College.

From specialist music lessons in Prep through to extension subjects and qualifications in Senior School, the program is designed to equip students to use their God-given talents.

Year 1-12 Private Lessons 

Year 1-12 Group Lessons 

Year 4-6 Class Instrumental Program

30 minute 

individual lesson

30 minute group lesson
 (2 - 3 students) 
$420 per year 
  • Group lesson
  • College-provided loan instrument
  • Weekly band/orchestra lessons
Any instrument and VoiceAny instrument and VoiceOrchestral instruments only (excluding guitar, piano or voice)

*Important: Please read the Terms and Conditions

Download the Performing Arts brochure

Year 4-6 Class Instrumental Music Program

Students in Years 4-6 have an opportunity to participate in the Class Instrumental Program. 

It's a budget program designed to introduce students to instrumental music at a fraction of the cost that private tuition would cost. Please see Terms and Conditions for costs and other details. 

This group program seeks to introduce year 4-6 students to orchestral instruments (not piano, guitar or voice) and allow them to participate in our bands and orchestras.

The fee of $420 per year includes weekly group lessons, a loaned college-owned instrument, and weekly band rehearsals. Each group will have about 3-6 students learning the same or related instrument. 

Each week, students will attend their group lesson at a set time on Thursday and additionally attend a Thursday lunchtime or before-school band or orchestra rehearsal. Once students graduate to Year 6 the fee remains the same, but students are asked to supply their own personal instrument or loan instruments may be available upon request for $200 per year. 

Students in Year 3 (Term 4) can register their interest to be involved in the program. If you're currently not involved in the program and would like to sign up, please contact Mr Paul O'Brien.  

The program aims to:

  • Develop the musical gifting of the student 
  • Provide students with a wide range of musical experiences
  • Develop student’s awareness of music as an instrument of worship toward God 


At Northside, our choral program features 3 key choirs across Lower Junior School, Upper Junior School and Secondary School. Students can join choirs by participation (no audition), with rehearsals taking place across lunch breaks. 

Mrs Cathy Cheel

Piccolos: Year 2 and 3 students

Mrs Adele King

Vivace Voices: Year 4-6 students

Mrs Adele King

Northside United Voices - Secondary

Extension Opportunities

For many students, learning an instrument is an exciting opportunity, and encourages them to pursue learning and performances outside of the curriculum. 

Northside provides programs and events to give students more of these opportunities, including musicals, extension subjects, and certificates/qualifications.


Northside Christian College’s vibrant chapels bring worship to the school week. As the students advance through the school, they take on increasing amounts of ownership for the running of the chapels. 

While younger children enjoy age-appropriate songs and lessons, In Middle and Senior Schools a Chapel Captain is appointed who plans chapels and with a group of other students contribute as singers, musicians, speakers, and technicians to deliver meaningful worship services through prayerful collaboration.


Showcasing the wide range and professional- standard of performing arts at Northside, the College musicals are always a hit with our students and school community.

From Footloose, Godspell, Annie, Beauty and the Beast and Matilda, there is an impressive track record of musical productions - always with the heart to reclaim the Arts for God.

Our students leave the musical experience feeling confident in their God-given abilities, and having built strong relationships with peers across Middle and Senior School. 

Junior School Concert

All Junior School ensembles and bands are involved in our biennial Junior School Concert, given the chance to perform to a large audience and build their confidence as musicians and performers. 

Music Extension

Offered in Year 12, our Music Extension subject is provided for those students who wish to pursue further music studies or a career in the music industry post-school.

The subject focuses on developing a higher level understanding of theory, fine-tuning performances, and mentoring through original compositions.

Music Curriculum

Northside’s performing arts program follows the Australian Curriculum, whilst acknowledging that all students are uniquely gifted by God. Our teachers invest in each student to see their creative and artistic talent come to light, whilst equipping them all with the same toolkit across music, dance and drama.

By providing students with ongoing specialist lessons and a standardised curriculum, all students have the opportunity to try out various performing arts whilst developing academically and socially.

Junior School

At Northside Prep students enjoy one 40-minute music lesson a week. They also sing songs and listen to music at chapel, assembly and in class on most days during devotions.

The purpose of early childhood music is to lay the foundation of the children’s future music education and awaken an interest in this area within the students. Music is proven to increase brain activity, thus contributing to children’s intellectual development. Listening to music has been shown to stimulate parts of the brain associated with reading, mathematics and the emotional development of children.

In music lessons the students learn beat and rhythm, they play percussion instruments and take part in musical games and listening activities. They learn to sing in-tune and explore dance and movement. The benefits of these lessons range from improving co-ordination, self- confidence, teamwork, social and emotional development and spatial intelligence to assisting in areas of language and reasoning. Music develops imagination and thinking skills such as concentration, sequencing and memory.

Music cultivates discipline and patience and boosts self-esteem, stimulating students with challenging, but achievable goals. 

Most importantly, music education provides a creative, safe environment where students experience the sheer joy of music with their peers.

Secondary School

The music curriculum in Middle School provides opportunities for students to learn various instruments, along with developing listening skills (identifying tones, structures, and cultural and historical contexts), along with composing and performing songs.

Senior Music develops these concepts further - with a more comprehensive understanding of music history, a study of the nature of music (notation, chord structure, composition) and practical performance using a variety of instruments.

The Centre for Innovation and Creativity hosts a recording studio, 7 sound-proof recording studio booths, a large ensemble room with pitched percussion and grand piano, and two music classrooms. Students have access to these spaces during class times and via booking during lunch times and out of hours.