The College provides full-time, part-time or casual bus use options on extensive routes in the morning and afternoon across the greater northern, eastern and western areas of Brisbane.
2025 Bus Application
Please fill out the 2025 Bus Application if you intend to use our Bus Services on a full-time, part-time or casual basis. The Northside Bus Department services many surrounding suburbs for before and after school pick up and drop off. Please see the link below for bus stop locations in 2025.
Northside Christian College Bus Department
Northside’s Bus Services Department is exclusively owned and operated by Northside Christian College. Each of our professional bus drivers is qualified and registered under the Queensland Transport Department’s “Driver’s Authorisation Policy”.
How to use the Northside Bus Service
Decide between our three bus usage options (Part-time, full-time or casual).
- Fill out the Bus Application form
- Download the BusMinder Website
- Start using our bus services
Fees are charged annually at the beginning of the year with the school year fees. Casual bus usage is charged each term (depending on the usage). See below fees for part-time, full-time or casual use.
For the list of stops, please see below the morning and afternoon bus routes or contact the Bus Department for specific information.
Contact us
- Bus Department 07 3353 7341
- Email
- Contact number between 8 am - 4 pm 07 3353 1266
- Contact number between 4 pm - 8 am 0412 597 987 (txt only)
Full time option
This is the most cost-effective way to travel using our Monday - Friday morning and afternoon services.
Costs and billing
Part-time bus fees are added to the School Fees account. The statement is then sent for payment.

Part time option
Parents can pre-book bus trips for morning or afternoon routes on certain days during the week.
Costs and billing
Part-time bus fees are added to the School Fees account. The statement is then sent for payment.

Casual option
Parents can book a one-off trip to an existing bus route/stop by contacting us ahead of time.
Costs and billing
Casual bus fees are billed at the end of each Term and added to School Fees. The statement is then sent for payment.

Important information regarding Bus Services
Bus Fees and Seat Allocation
- Northside Christian College provides a bus transport service to assist parents who cannot make other transport arrangements. Parents pay a Transport Fee, which contributes to the cost but does not fully cover it.
- The cost of the service is distributed across zones, depending on distance and the number of children per family.
- The College aims to have full-time patronage on all buses for financial reasons.
- Seat allocation priority:
- First preference is given to full-time users with no reasonable transport alternative.
- Part-time users may use the service only if seats are available.
- If a full-time user needs a seat occupied by a part-time user, the part-time user may upgrade or surrender the seat.
- Mid-year enrolment: A student joining mid-year will go to an existing stop, unless route changes can be made without disruptions.
- Payment obligation: Once a seat is allocated (full-time or part-time), parents must pay for it regardless of usage, unless special arrangements are made in advance.
- Refunds: When applicable, refunds will be processed within 10 business days after notifying the Bus Coordinator or after travel is completed.
Bus Routes and Stops
- The Bus Co-ordinator establishes routes and stops.
- Routes are designed for full-time users, with travel times kept under 1 hour where possible.
- Bus stops are chosen based on convenience, aiming to be as close as possible to students’ homes.
- Junior School parents must drop off and pick up children at designated stops accompanied by a relative in Middle School or older.
Bus Timing and Punctuality
- Parents will be informed of bus stop locations and pick-up times, before the school year starts (via email).
- Students must be at the bus stop at least 5 minutes before the scheduled time.
- Parents must keep their contact details updated for emergencies.
- Buses can be tracked using the Bus Minder app. Please contact us for details.
Junior School Supervision and Safety
- Junior School students must be met by a responsible person (at least middle school age) at the drop-off point.
- If no one is available to collect a student and no prior arrangement is made, the bus driver will return them to school. The student will be placed in Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) at the parents’ cost.
- If the bus is running late, Junior School parents must wait at the stop until it arrives.
Contingency Plans and Communication
- Parents should have backup plans in case a bus cannot complete its run for any reason.
- For enquiries about the service or delays, contact College Administration at 3353 1266.
- The Bus Minder app allows parents to track the bus.
Important Information for Junior School Parents
Junior School students must be met by a responsible person (at least middle school age) at the drop-off point.
Code of Conduct
General Behaviour and Conduct
- Obey the driver: Students must follow all instructions given by the bus driver.
- Orderly entry: Always board the bus in a calm and organised manner.
- Respect for others: Teasing, swearing, fighting, or spitting will not be tolerated.
- Noise control: Keep noise to a reasonable level; shouting is not permitted.
- Respect personal space: Students must show courtesy and respect to fellow passengers.
Safety Rules
- Remain seated: Students must stay seated for the entire journey—no standing, kneeling, or switching seats.
- Seatbelts: Must be worn where fitted.
- Keep aisles clear: Bags must be stowed under the seat to ensure clear walkways.
- Body inside the bus: Hands, arms, and other body parts must remain inside the bus at all times.
- No object throwing: Throwing items inside or out of the bus is not allowed.
Cleanliness and Care for the Bus
- No food or drink: Eating, drinking, or chewing gum is not permitted (including during excursions and sports trips).
- Respect the bus interior:
- No writing on misted or dusty windows.
- No feet on seats.
- Report any new damage to the driver at the end of the trip.
- No vandalism: Damaging seats, trim, signs, window tint film, or other parts of the bus will not be tolerated.
- Parents will be responsible for repair costs.
Use of Personal Items
- Electronic devices:
- Allowed for personal use only.
- Headphones/earpieces must be used.
- If a device causes disruption, the driver may ask for it to be put away.
- Recording devices are not permitted.
- Musical instruments: Must be kept inside their cases and not played during the journey.
Entry and Exit Procedures
- Permission to board: Students may only enter the bus with the driver’s permission and in the presence of a driver or teacher.
- Informing of damage: Any new damage should be reported to the driver at the end of the trip.
* Note: Infringement of rules can result in immediate loss of bus privileges & restitution of any damages.
BusMinder App
BusMinder Parent shows the location of your School Bus in real time. You can also set up alerts to remind you when the bus is close and get notified whenever your children board or leave the bus. If your school supports stops, you can also be notified if your child leaves the bus at a non-approved stop.Information for parents
Morning Pickup
- Please ensure the student is at the designated bus pickup spot 5 minutes prior to the designated time.
- Junior School students must have an adult or an older sibling present while waiting for the bus.
- Once on campus, Prep students will have a meeting point where they will be picked up by a Teacher’s Aide who will take them to their classroom.
- All other students will walk to their classrooms after they are dropped off on campus.
- Please speak to the Bus Coordinator if the student is new to the College so we can arrange them to be met on campus and walked to their classroom.
Afternoon drop off
- Prep students are walked up to the buses by a Teacher’s Aide after school.
- Junior School students are walked up to the bus by the teacher on duty.
- All other students make their way to Carpark 4 where the buses depart at 3:25pm.
- Please speak to the Bus Coordinator If the student is new to the College, the Bus Coordinator will arrange a meeting point and take the new students to Carpark 4.
- Prep and Junior School students have to be collected from the bus by a designated adult or an older sibling at the bus stop. Otherwise, students will remain on the bus and be transported back to the College.
Train connections
College buses will stop at the Eagle Junction and Ferny Grove Station. For more details please contact us.
School Transport Assistance Scheme (STAS)
STAS maybe a benefit to families living outside the Brisbane City Council area to help with travel costs. Full details can be found at